I am an Assistant Professor (promotion-track to Associate Professor) at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Law & Economics at ETH Zurich and earned my Ph.D. in Economics from LMU Munich. I have also held visiting positions at Harvard University and Princeton University.
I am an applied microeconomist interested in labor and education economics, public economics, the economics of religion, and AI & economics. One strand of my research investigates how school curricula influence student achievement, attitudes, beliefs, choices, and long-term labor market outcomes. Another line of my work employs tools from AI, natural language processing (NLP), and computational linguistics to examine the effects of economic policies and educational interventions on employees and students.
My Ph.D. thesis was awarded the Prize for Best Dissertation in 2021/2022 by the German Economic Association's Section on Economics of Education, and I received the Fürther Ludwig Erhard Prize in 2023.
Evolution vs. Creationism in the Classroom:
The Lasting Effects of Science Education
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 139 (4): 2331-2375, 2024
Download Paper. Twitter thread here. Short video presentation here.
Coverage: LSE USAPP, VoxEU, Education Next, EconPol, Genetic Literacy Project, Econimate (Video), FutureEd, Leibniz Association, Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Video), OurLongWalk, GlobeNewswire, YahooFinanceNews, Post Online Magazine, Bildungsklick (German), Verbaende.com (German), NNZ-News (German)
Working Papers
Do Words Matter?
The Value of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Can Schools Change Religious Attitudes? Evidence from
German State Reforms of Compulsory Religious Educationwith Ludger Woessmann and Larissa Zierow
Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Human Resources
Working Paper: Download. Twitter thread here.
Coverage: VoxTalks (Podcast), VoxEU Column, CESifo Forum, The Guardian, Helsinki Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German), Bayerischer Rundfunk (German), Spiegel Online (German), Bild.de (German), n-tv (German)
Genetic Endowments, Educational Outcomes and
the Mediating Influence of School Quality
with Paul Hufe and Marc Stoeckli
Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics
Working Paper: Download. Twitter thread here.
Coverage: Helsinki Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German), Passauer Neue Presse (German), Bildungsklick (German), Verbaende.com
Measuring Student Mindsets at Scale in Resource-constrained Settings:
SMS Toolkit with an Application to Brazil during the Pandemic
with Guilherme Lichand, Elliott Ash, Jairo Rosero, Carlos Doria, Ana Trinidade, Eric Bettinger, and David Yeager
Conditionally Accepted, Journal of Research on Adolescents
Working Paper: Download.
The Unintended Consequences of School Curricula Reforms: Examining Spillover Effects of US Education Standards
with M. Danish Shakeel
Working Paper: Download.
[Older versions: Harvard PEPG WP, Brown Annenberg Institute WP, ifo WP]
Coverage: Forbes, Innovations in STEM Teacher Preparation, The Education Exchange (Podcast)
Work in Progress
The Opportunities and Challenges of ML-based
Targeting for Educational Technologies:
Evidence from Brazil in the Aftermath of the Pandemicwith Guilherme Lichand, Elliott Ash, Jairo Rosero,
Mario Curiki, Carlos Doria, David Yeager and Eric BettingerData Analysis on-going
The Political Economy of Religious Language:
Evidence from the United States CongressDoes the timing of income payments matter for households?
Evidence from random within-month variation of child allowance payments
Policy papers (non-refereed)
How are Low-Income Families Faring in the Corona Crisis?
with Vera Freundl, Katia Werkmeister and Larissa Zierow
Download: ifo Schnelldienst, 07/2021
Coverage: Tagesschau.de (German), Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (German), Business Insider (German), Der Standard (Austrian)
Workshop: NLP and Computational Linguistics in Economics, Spring 2024, Princeton University.
Teaching Material (Slides and Jupyter Notebooks) available on Github
Lecture: Text Data in Business and Economics, Fall 2023, Basel University.
Teaching Material (Slides and Jupyter Notebooks) available on Github
You can find my CV here.
My office hours are on Mondays from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. during term time. Outside of term, meetings are available by appointment.
Looking forward to answering your email!
University of Cambridge
Faculty of Economics
Austin Robinson Building
Sidgwick Avenue
Download Photo of Benjamin W. Arold
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